
1. fstab简介

fstab - static information about the filesystems

The file fstab contains descriptive information about the various file systems. fstab is only read by programs, and not written; It is the duty of the system administrator to properly create and maintain this file. Each filesystem is described on a separate line; fields on each line are separated by tabs or spaces. Lines starting with '#' are comments. The order of records in fstab is important because fsck(8), mount(8), and umount(8) sequentially iterate through fstab doing their thing.


[root@stu412 ~]# cat /etc/fstab
LABEL=/                 /                       ext3    defaults        1 1
LABEL=/boot             /boot                   ext3    defaults        1 2
tmpfs                   /dev/shm                tmpfs   defaults        0 0
devpts                  /dev/pts                devpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0
sysfs                   /sys                    sysfs   defaults        0 0
proc                    /proc                   proc    defaults        0 0
LABEL=SWAP-sda3         swap                    swap    defaults        0 0
/dev/sdb1               /data/disk              ext3    defaults        0 0

2. fstab文件详细说明

The  first  field,  (fs_spec),  describes  the  block  special  device or remote filesystem to be mounted.
The second field, (fs_file), describes the mount point for the filesystem.
如将/dev/sdb1挂到/data/disk下,特别说明,man fstab中提到,如果是swap分区挂载点为none,在分区时也是这么分的,但是装完系统后cat /etc/fstab发现挂载点swap,这点要注意。
The third field, (fs_vfstype), describes the type of the filesystem.
linux支持的文件类型有: adfs, affs, autofs, coda, coherent,cramfs, devpts, efs, ext2, ext3, hfs, hpfs, iso9660, jfs, minix,  msdos,  ncpfs, nfs,  ntfs,  proc,  qnx4, reiserfs, romfs, smbfs, sysv, tmpfs, udf, ufs, umsdos, vfat, xenix, xfs, and possibly others.
[root@stu412 ~]# cat /proc/filesystems	#当前系统内核支持的文件系统类型
nodev   sysfs
nodev   rootfs
nodev   bdev
nodev   proc
nodev   cpuset
nodev   binfmt_misc
nodev   debugfs
nodev   securityfs
nodev   sockfs
nodev   usbfs
nodev   pipefs
nodev   anon_inodefs
nodev   futexfs
nodev   tmpfs
nodev   inotifyfs
nodev   eventpollfs
nodev   devpts
nodev   ramfs
nodev   hugetlbfs
nodev   mqueue
nodev   rpc_pipefs
nodev   autofs
nodev   nfsd
The fourth field, (fs_mntops), describes the mount options associated  with  the filesystem.
noauto  (do not mount when "mount -a" is given, e.g., at boot time)
user  (allow a user to mount)	#所有的设备属主用户可以挂载
owner   (allow  device  owner  to mount),
pamconsole  (allow a user at the console to mount)
comment  (e.g.,  for  use  by  fstab-maintaining  programs).

man 8 mount后的-o参数:
-o     Options are specified with a -o flag followed by a comma separated string of  options.   Some  of these options are only useful when they appear in the /etc/fstab file.  The following options apply to any file system that is  being mounted (but not every file system actually honors them - e.g.,the sync option today has effect only for ext2, ext3, fat, vfat and ufs):
mount 命令 –o 选项后面可以接的参数:
async  All I/O to the file system should be done asynchronously.
atime  Update inode access time for each access. This is the default.
auto   Can be mounted with the -a option.
Use default options: rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser, and async.
这个缺省值包括:rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser, and async./etc/fstab大部分都是缺省值。

dev    Interpret character or block special devices on the file system.

exec   Permit execution of binaries.
group  Allow an ordinary (i.e., non-root) user to mount the  file  system
if one of his groups matches the group of the device.  This option
implies the options nosuid and nodev (unless overridden by  subse-
quent options, as in the option line group,dev,suid).

mand   Allow mandatory locks on this filesystem. See fcntl(2).

The  filesystem  resides  on a device that requires network access
(used to  prevent  the  system  from  attempting  to  mount  these
filesystems until the network has been enabled on the system).

Do  not  update  inode  access times on this file system (e.g, for faster access on the news spool to speed up news servers).
Do not update directory inode access times on this filesystem.
不更新文件系统上的directory inode访问时间,高并发环境,推荐显式应用该选项,可以提高系统IO性能。

noauto Can only be mounted explicitly (i.e., the -a option will not cause the file system to be mounted).
nodev  Do  not  interpret  character or block special devices on the file

noexec Do not allow direct execution of any binaries on the mounted  file
system.   (Until  recently  it was possible to run binaries anyway
using a command like /lib/ld*.so  /mnt/binary.  This  trick  fails
since Linux 2.4.25 / 2.6.0.)

nomand Do not allow mandatory locks on this filesystem.

nosuid Do  not  allow set-user-identifier or set-group-identifier bits to
take effect. (This seems safe, but is in fact rather unsafe if you
have suidperl(1) installed.)

nouser Forbid an ordinary (i.e., non-root) user to mount the file system.
This is the default.
owner  Allow an ordinary (i.e., non-root) user to mount the  file  system
if he is the owner of the device.  This option implies the options
nosuid and nodev (unless overridden by subsequent options,  as  in
the option line owner,dev,suid).

Attempt  to  remount an already-mounted file system.  This is commonly used to change the mount flags for a file system, especially to  make  a  readonly  file  system  writeable. It does not change  device or mount point.
尝试新挂载一个已经挂载了的文件系统,这通常被用来改变一个文件系统的挂载标志,从而使得一个只读文件变得可写,这个动作不会改变设备或者挂载点。提示:当系统故障时/进入single或resure模式修复系统时,会发现根文件系统经常会变成只读文件系统,不允许修改,此时该命令就派上用场了。具体命令为:mount –o remount,rw / 将根文件系统挂载使得可写。single或rescue模式修复系统时这个命令十分重要。实战案例见linux rescue模式修复/etc/fstab文档。

ro     Mount the file system read-only.
Like _netdev, except  "fsck  -a"  checks  this  filesystem  during

rw     Mount the file system read-write.

suid   Allow  set-user-identifier  or  set-group-identifier  bits to take

sync   All I/O to the file system should be done synchronously.  In  case
of  media  with  limited  number  of write cycles (e.g. some flash
drives) "sync" may cause life-cycle shortening.
All directory updates within the file system should be  done  syn-
chronously.  This affects the following system calls: creat, link,
unlink, symlink, mkdir, rmdir, mknod and rename.

user   Allow an ordinary user to mount the file system.  The name of  the
mounting  user  is written to mtab so that he can unmount the file
system again.  This option implies the options noexec, nosuid, and
nodev  (unless  overridden by subsequent options, as in the option
line user,exec,dev,suid).

users  Allow every user to mount  and  unmount  the  file  system.   This
option implies the options noexec, nosuid, and nodev (unless over-
ridden  by   subsequent   options,   as   in   the   option   line
The fifth field, (fs_freq), is used for these filesystems by the dump(8) command to  determine  which  filesystems  need to be dumped.  If the fifth field is not  present, a value of zero is returned and dump will assume  that  the  filesystem does not need to be dumped.
0表示不需要dump。(dump - ext2/3 filesystem backup)
The  sixth  field,  (fs_passno), is used by the fsck(8) program to determine the   order in which filesystem checks are done at reboot time.
如果设置了开机检查,则执行fsck -A

3. 案例:使用linux rescue(救援模式)修复/etc/fstab

(1) 故障重现

[root@B-client1 ~]# cat /etc/fstab
LABEL=/                 /                       ext3    defaults        1 1
LABEL=/boot             /boot                   ext3    defaults        1 2
tmpfs                   /dev/shm                tmpfs   defaults        0 0
devpts                  /dev/pts                devpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0
sysfs                   /sys                    sysfs   defaults        0 0
proc                    /proc                   proc    defaults        0 0
LABEL=SWAP-sda3         swap                    swap    defaults        0 0      /mnt             ext3    defaults        1 1

错误配置      /mnt             ext3    defaults        1 1
正确配置      /mnt             nfs    defaults        1 1
推荐配置      /mnt             nfs    defaults        1 0


(2) 开始修复/etc/fstab,将配置文件改正确了

  1. 插入centos系统光盘到光驱中使其从光驱中引导,引导后界面如下: 注:虚拟机中设置光驱启动:虚拟机是自带光驱,开机马上按F2,进入bios,调一下启动顺序就可以了,但是要速度按。

在引导界面的boot:字符后,输入linux resue,然后按回车,进入下一步

  1. 选择语言,默认即可

  2. 选择键盘,默认即可

  1. 选择不从网络启动,选择NO,按Enter,进入下一步

  2. 注意划红线部分,尤其是/mnt/sysimage这个路径,选择Continue

  1. 进入命令行的救援模式

  2. 根据5,知道根分区被挂载到/mnt/sysimage,于是执行vi /mnt/sysimage/etc/fstab

  3. 修正fstab文件中的错误,保存退出

  4. 确认无误后,取消光盘启动,重起系统

  5. 系统可以正常启动了

建议使用推荐配置: 推荐配置 /mnt nfs defaults 1 0 最后的数字设置为0;
